Sunday, September 4, 2011

Steven Spurrier: "Wine is sunlight, held together by water." The poetic wisdom of the Italian physicist, philosopher, and stargazer, Galileo Galilei. It all begins with the soil, the vine, the grape. The smell of the vineyard - like inhaling birth. It awakens some ancestral, some primordial... anyway, some deeply imprinted, and probably subconscious place in my soul.

This quote is from the movie, Bottle Shock, an all time favorite.  I love the history, that it's about wine, the characters and the soundtrack.  Well, and really that little riff between scenes.  If you've seen it, you'll know what I am talking about.

This quote reminds me of a perfect summer day, similar to those we've been having.  Early September in the Black Hills is AMAZING.  Here's a shot from my garden.  Going gangbusters.

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